Thursday, September 25, 2014

My Baby Boy

My son is 23 today. Im still trying to figure this out. Now don't get me wrong, I am over the moon with love and pride, he is the biggest part of my heart! He has grown into an amazing young man but seriously when did he get to be 23?
I guess I blinked because just yesterday he was this cute little boy who loved to be carried around by me, went on so many adventures by my side and shared my love of life and nature.  Once he needed me!
 Now he is grown, has a life, a career and a beautiful young lady in his life. I know on some level he still needs me but as happens in life I have taken a backseat. I am not number one and its OK.  I gave him all the tools he needs to be a smart, thinking, questioning, amazing and self sufficient young man. I gave him his start and now its my time to sit back and watch as he takes those tools and creates a wonderful life of his own. It's actually pretty cool and even now when the going gets a little tough...he still calls mom.

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