Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Wow, it's been a few years since I posted and I am amazed how much has changed!!!

I moved into a beautiful home in a historic area that is filled with gardens. I have been dating a wonderful man for the last few years that thinks life is an adventure and loves to share it with me. We have our differences but we are committed to working together to make this relationship great.

My art and art sales have grown and I am learning new techniques and branching out in what I create.

My son is now living near me and is loving the life he is creating.

Things are wonderful!!! Has it all been easy?? Nope it has not, there have been ups and downs and a few stumbles along the way but I have persevered.  I am relaxed and comfortable with what the futures hold.  Will I keep this blog update? Hard to say but I will keep living and loving my life!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Broken Heart

You broke my heart, every time we talk you chip away at it a bit more and now it lays in pieces. You broke it not because I loved you, some days I'm not even sure I like you but because you have no regard for me. You love to talk, talk about you, talk about your world, talk about what is going on and your feelings but you only show a passing interest in my life. How is this a friendship? Where is the give and take, the shared thoughts and emotions and trivial bits of our days? I am not your councilor I never signed up for that.
You broke my heart because you failed to think about my feelings before you spoke.
You broke my heart because you you decided to define our relationship with no regard for me.
You broke my heart because I really like you and I gave you pieces of me, pieces of my heart and soul but you are so unaware of the games you play and the destruction you leave behind.

But what  you don't know is my heart is resilient, I am resilient,  and I will heal an move on. I don't have to let you hurt me over and over. I can walk away with my head held high that I was a good friend that I gave you everything I had and I will do it again but next time it will be with someone who will see it as a precious gift, and they will share their gifts, and we will truly be friends.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

My Baby Boy

My son is 23 today. Im still trying to figure this out. Now don't get me wrong, I am over the moon with love and pride, he is the biggest part of my heart! He has grown into an amazing young man but seriously when did he get to be 23?
I guess I blinked because just yesterday he was this cute little boy who loved to be carried around by me, went on so many adventures by my side and shared my love of life and nature.  Once he needed me!
 Now he is grown, has a life, a career and a beautiful young lady in his life. I know on some level he still needs me but as happens in life I have taken a backseat. I am not number one and its OK.  I gave him all the tools he needs to be a smart, thinking, questioning, amazing and self sufficient young man. I gave him his start and now its my time to sit back and watch as he takes those tools and creates a wonderful life of his own. It's actually pretty cool and even now when the going gets a little tough...he still calls mom.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Time is Skipping Along.

So the old cliche about time moving faster as you get older has more truth in it than I ever wanted to believe. It is already the middle of September, YIKES.

Now that YIKES does not mean I am upset, I have some great times planned with friends, I am past my major commitments so I can get to work on, glass, batik and pine needle baskets. I can gear up for the holiday season with a joyful abandon.  I am loving me and my life in new and major ways!!

For all our fear of time slipping away from us and death coming too fast, I find that when time is skipping along it usually means my life is full and busy and happy.
Our lives, like nature have seasons, I love that feeling.  I love knowing grand adventures, fun plans and great times will come quickly like the glorious growth in the spring and warm wonder of summer.   I love knowing that the bad/sad challenging times will exist and pass with a warm bittersweet beauty reminiscent of fall or the sharp cold edge of winter,. I love knowing no matter what happens in my future I will have amazing times to look back on. I will embrace every season and every experience. It will always be a life well lived and for that I am grateful.

While I am not nearly ready for my time to come, I do not fear death, it will be the next grand adventure. So time can continue to fly, hurry and skip, it's just a reminder of how great a life I have.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Loving Life

My life has been so wonderfully, incredibly, magically busy lately!!  I moved into and set up my new studio in Artful Dimensions Gallery I have been down there every second I can tweaking the set up and getting on the torch, it has been wonderful. Whenever I move a studio it can take time to get used to the new space, new chair, new lighting but I must say this transition has gone really well so far.

I have also been working on some batiks since I have been back, I made a sign for my studio door, now I just need to decide how to finish it. It is still a work in progress,  I am thinking of adding some 2mm crystals to the spiral flame and then frame it. 
I also worked on my first t shirt. I really liked how it came out I can't wait to try a few more. It's all a learning process but one I really enjoy!! My head is swimming with ideas for fall and Christmas!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Lost and Found

Hmmmmm...September is almost here, I come back from being out of town and out of touch with my everyday life, only to realize August is almost over. I somehow feel lost...

Coming home from my bucket list dream adventure was more difficult than I thought it would be.  I was with people 24/7 for almost two weeks and I loved it. I really am a people person. I had some alone time and I enjoyed it but mostly my time was spent with some truly amazing creative people.

To come home to my sweet little house, all by myself  with only the kitty girls to talk to was surprisingly emotional.  I wasn't enjoying the sound of the quiet and the feeling of being so alone.

Then as the tears start to flow I get this amazing and loving message from my cousin David. His words came at just the right time, and lifted me up so much. Next I talk to my very best friend in the whole world, Lisa who always knows how to make my life seem right and good.
The next day a woman whom I met at our healthy living fair a few months ago came by to see if all was OK because I missed a meeting with her, she was genuinely worried about me.  After that an artist whom I like and have so much respect for posts this on my Facebook wall because it made her think of me.

Another new friend in my life is taking time out of his very, very busy work schedule to bring his truck and help me move into my studio and another friend texted because she is heading back home soon and wants to get together for dinner.

Suddenly I feel less alone. Without my saying a word  the universe, the heavens, the cosmic caretakers banded together to bring me what I needed to remind me that while I may sometimes feel very alone, I'm really not.  I am blessed with amazing friends and family who lift me up more than they know.  "In life, surround yourself with those who light your path" I am blessed with many who light my path and it is my hope that I can be a light on another persons journey!!

Beckie, who plans on bringing, joy and love, endless energy, curiosity and optimism to the party

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Adjusting to Home

  WOW,  I am home. One the one hand I am so happy to see the girls and my house but on the other hand I am sad that my amazing Dream Adventure is over.
The whole experience at John C Campbell Folk School was, well, life changing.

   It wasn't only what I learned at the classes but there is an energy and spirit about the place that gets inside you and changes you. Maybe its 80 years of creative energy amassing in one beautiful place or maybe its the people and the whole supportive, non competitive environment. What ever it is/was I will never be the same, my outlook will never be the same, my creative energy will never be the same.

I also fell in love with Asheville, it has been more than 10 years since I have been and since then it has really evolved into an artistic, hippy, creative, boho haven.  I love the art on the streets, the street performers, the funky and eclectic clothing and craft stores, the amazing restaurants and the wildly individualistic people that live there!! HA HA I feel like I found my home and my people!! A huge change from the rather conservative Fredericksburg. I can understand why they call it the San Francisco of the east!

Cat Sculpture
I had never seen a Pubcycle before

Hanging around at Pack's Tavern

Coffee Bus